Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chattanooga- Day 3

Our last day in Chattanooga we managed to squeeze in some breakfast, some more pool time, and then a trip to the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum for a ride on the Missionary Ridge Local.

Rob was happy to wear all of his Tennessee gear proudly, without getting the usual dirty looks from all the Alabama/Auburn fans.

It was incredibly hot, but the boys still had a great time on their first real train ride.

I highly recommend Chattanooga as a family vacation spot. Beck is still talking about how much fun he had, and showed his class the trip pictures for show-and-tell today. We also lucked out and the boys slept for most of the 2 hour trip home. They're so sweet (when they're asleep).

1 comment:

shelly robinson said...

It was a fun weekend! Grandma and Granddad had a great time and spent most of the day Saturday with Beck. Rob and Jenn got a nice rest that day. He was so excited at the Children's Museum, that he couldn't decide what to do first.
And it was great that the boys got to ride on a real steam engine with Granddad, since it is absolutely Gdad's most favorite thing to do.
Chattanooga has lots of things to do for families. We only hit the high points. There is still Rock City, the Incline, the Choo-Choo, the Duck rides, and much more. We want to go back soon and explore Hunter Museum and other parts of town.
Thanks for coming on vacation with us, Baylor and Beck! Glad you had a good time.