Sunday, September 5, 2010

Summer is almost over...

... thank God. I know I shouldn't complain, and I really do love the weather here most of the time, but this summer has been crazy. Birmingham had a record-breaking heat streak of 50 consecutive days with temps above 90 degrees (heat index in the 100's). The old record was 37 days, set in 1932. The last few days have only been in the upper 80's, but are supposed to go back up again this week. Beck's bike has cobwebs on it, it's just too hot to ride. I CAN NOT wait for it to cool down a little so that we can spend more than half an hour outside at a time.

So, let's see, what have we done these past few months? Lots of Super Mario Bros. for Wii has been played in our house. Maybe a little too much, actually. Beck is completely obsessed with all things Mario, and when we tuck him in at night we play a game he made up called "Mario hints", where you guess what place or character from the game he is thinking of. We also play "Mario favorites" where we talk about our 5 favorite things from the game. Did I mention that he is obsessed? Maybe we all are a little bit, I myself was pretty excited when I finally beat the last board...

Beck started kindergarten at Hoover Christian School, which is right down the road from us.

We were a little apprehensive about sending him to a Seventh Day Adventist school, but so far everything seems fine. He does come home telling us really funny and mixed up things that he learned during the religious portion of the day. The other day I asked him what he learned at school that day and he said "Well, God was having a meeting and Lucifer wanted to come, but God wouldn't let him come to the meeting, so he went and hurt all the children". Hmmm, that's not really how I remember the story going, but it's pretty funny anyway. Beck also told us that God's family was made up of "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spearmint". I just hope he's actually learning something important (like reading and math) at this school. Like most kids, he isn't that forthcoming about what he does every day, but we have heard from his teacher that he is very advanced in his reading and is a "great kid."

Baylor moved up to the "Busy Bees" class at the daycare. This is the class where they do the hardcore potty training, so being the lazy parents that we are, we are hoping they will do the majority of the dirty work for us. The past few months his language has exploded and now I understand what he is saying about 80% of the time. He absolutely loves to sing, especially "Twinkle Twinkle"and "Wheels on the bus." Most mornings when we go to get him out of bed he is laying there, rolling around and singing loudly to himself. So far his terrible two haven't been that terrible, usually only if he missed a nap or didn't get to do something that he really wanted to do. He still lets me baby him a little, and is always down for a snuggle. The best part is that now he is getting old enough to play with Beck, and the two of them will go off together and do things and mostly get along. Baylor loves to follow Beck around and try to do whatever he is doing. He is also perfectly content to just sit and watch Beck play Mario.

Here are some pictures that I have taken over the past few weeks with the camera on my new iPhone 4. The quality isn't too bad, for a cell phone, as long as you hold it perfectly still. I will probably still take my other camera along for important events, but for just everyday things the iPhone has been great!

These next pictures are from our favorite hiking spot, Moss Rock Preserve. When you first go in the entrance there is a tree that the boys love. We call it the "knee tree," since it looks like a skinny leg with a knobby knee.

Beck spent the rest of the hike insisting I take pictures of his weird poses.

He's a strange child, but we love him anyway.

These last couple are from today's trip to Krispy Kreme, which is also right down the road, and a favorite of all three of my boys.

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