Saturday, April 3, 2010

The D turns 2!

We have a lot of different nicknames for Baylor David- Bay-Bay, Baylon, Peach, Peachtree, Sweet D, Baylor D, but usually we just call him "The D". Since The D is our spring baby and was born so close to Easter, we thought that this year we would just have a couple of friends over and have an Easter themed birthday party. The kids had a great time!

Here is The D on his actual birthday, isn't he a peach! 

For the party we did an Easter egg hunt in our backyard, a harder one for the big kids and a very easy one for Baylor and Aleksey.


Beck had a great time. Baylor was less interested. I don't think he really understood the concept. He preferred instead to throw things into the lake that used to be our sandbox. He is kind of in a throwing-things-into-things phase, he doesn't care as much for organized activities.

After the egg hunt we dyed Easter Eggs out in the driveway.

Then it was cake time.

Bay with one of his presents. We can not wait to open it up and use it. It is supposed to be 84 degree here tomorrow, so it shouldn't be long before we break out the slip-n-slide and other various water games. *Note to grandparents- sorry I didn't take any pictures of Baylor opening your presents. With Rob out of town, and so many other things going on, I just kind of let him and Beck tear into them in no particular order. Thanks again for all of the wonderful new toys!

I do need to mention one special present that I did take a picture of. My sister Peg made the boys a stuffed Brobee doll from their favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba. At first I didn't even realize it was homemade, it looks that good. I still think Peg needs to go into business one day with all of her jewelry and knits and different projects. Thanks Aunt Peg! Brobee is being loved on every day. Beck even took it to show and tell on Friday and I heard other kids ooohhing and ahhhing over it. Everyone loves Yo Gabba! 

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