Thursday, February 18, 2010

Some Updates

I know it's been awhile since I posted anything new. We are finally getting around to doing some fix-ups on the house. On Monday we bought a new Heater and Air Conditioner, since the ones we had were 20 years old and we got a really good deal on a new set. Obviously I would rather spend the money on things you can see (like new floors and windows), but we are hoping that we will be able to save some money on our bills with this new system. 

After putting it off for the last few months, I decided it was time to go ahead and paint the living room/dining room. I chose a shade of green that I thought looked nice, bought a test jar and painted a small area to make sure I liked it. I thought it looked great. SO I went and bought 2 cans and started painting. Everything was going smoothly until the paint started to dry about 3 shades DARKER than I had originally thought. I went ahead and finished up the first coat and stood back to look at it. I decided that I hated it and would have to prime over it and redo it with a different color. I went to bed feeling defeated. But when I went downstairs in the morning and the natural light was shining through the window I decided that it really didn't look that bad after all. That night I went ahead and did the second coat, and it made all the difference. The color is still not exactly what I wanted, but I am learning to love it.




Now all we need for this room is some new flooring, a new light fixture (something from this century) and some furniture. The boys will be really disappointed when their soccer/scooter/running around in circles room becomes an actual living space.

Fairly unusual for Alabama, we got some snow last week that actually stuck on the ground. The boys were elated and wanted to stomp around in it and eat it.




When the snow melted Beck said "Oh, I wish it was winter all the time and there was always snow on the ground." Sometimes I think it's funny that neither of the boys have ever been any further North than Tennessee. Beck would freak out if he ever saw the kind of snow that Rochester or Madison gets.

My birthday was last Monday and Beck helped Rob make my birthday cake.


It was lemon cake with white frosting, my favorite. Rob and Beck are both big chocolate fans, so I think they were both a little disappointed with my choice. Beck ate off all of the frosting and left the cake part on the plate.  Rob and I went out to celebrate and found a new favorite hang-out, Dram Whiskey Bar in Mountain Brook. 

Beck has been super cute with Baylor lately, giving him lots of love and affection. He's always saying things like "I love Baylor" or "Isn't he so cute?" We really couldn't ask for him to be a better big brother, we feel very lucky.

Beck has gotten more into his homework lately, he seems to enjoy the math problems much better than the handwriting. Since both Rob and I both had (and still have) terrible handwriting, I think it's a given that Beck will never have perfect penmanship.



A few weeks ago we had our friend Kat and her two kids Victoria and Aleksey over to eat pizza and watch Shrek. Aleksey is in Baylor's class at daycare, the "Huggers" room. 

Our next big project for the house is the kitchen, I'll post before and after pictures soon!


Erin McCoy said...

i think the color is great! :)

Jenn said...

Thanks Erin! Only after looking at the pictures on my page did I realize that it is almost exactly the same color as my blog background! I definitely like it better and better every day.

Sarah Bailey said...

I like the color too! And the pictures of the sweet boys hugging. I hope we have some of that kind of love in our house soon.