Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The weather has been so nice here lately, that we find ourselves doing a lot of outdoor trips on the weekends. One place we recently discovered is Moss Rock Preserve which is a wonderful woodsy area with hiking trails, not too far from our house. 

On Thanksgiving day Beck and I decided to go on a hike at Moss Rock while Rob and Nani and Baylor stayed home to take care of the food and football watching. We had a great time hiking and hunting for pine cones. We took the biggest and best ones home with us and turned them into holiday decorations. Sort of.

We decided to do a pretty low-key Thanksgiving this year and just have a simple dinner with the usual stuff, and do a breast instead of a whole turkey. Of course we had to make a stop at our favorite store Penzeys to pick up some "Bi-centennial Poultry Rub."  Rob stuffed bay leaves under the skin and coated the breast in rub.

It turned out great! Even Beck asked for multiple helpings. Aside from a little, um, issue regarding the mashed potatoes, everything was really delicious. Especially the chocolate-pecan pie I made (mostly) from scratch.
As usual the kids had a blast with Nani. Beck, Nani and I spent a good chunk of time on a "Battle Bugs" craft that Nani brought. We all got pretty into it! I think one of the best things about being a parent is getting to relive some of the fun parts of your childhood through your kids. Whether they will admit it or not, I think all grown-ups secretly love going to the pumpkin patch and circus and playing with Legos and playdough.

 Of course, Nani being here also meant a welcome rest for Rob and I from some of the lesser-enjoyed activities, such as lengthy games of Memory.




Rob and I managed to get a night out to see a movie ("The Fantastic Mr. Fox", which was really good) and get a couple of cocktails as well. 

Sunday afternoon we all went to pick out our Christmas tree, and waited until Baylor was in bed to do the tree-trimming. I gave Beck a small pile of non-breakable ornaments to put up wherever he wanted, and he was so incredibly happy, he still hasn't stopped talking about it.





The finished product...